3.1. Food Security Assessments
  • 01 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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3.1. Food Security Assessments

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Article summary

Food Security Assessments will be required for both sudden onset and protracted crises (see CC Handbook chapter 6 for in depth understanding of assessments). The type of assessment will be dependent upon the context and need. For instance, in a sudden onset emergency a 72-hour Assessment Approach may be implemented, while in a more regular response an Emergency Food Security Assessment (EFSA) or a Crop and Food Security Assessment Mission (CFSAM) would be preferred (see CC Handbook chapter 6.4.1). 

From an IM perspective your main role will be to:

  • Collect information from FSC partners on planned or past assessments and compile them in an assessment calendar and registry
  • Collect the assessment reports and avail them to FSC partners in an assessment repository 

During a response there is a need to ensure that assessments are coordinated. OCHA if present, should encourage cross cluster collaboration in regard to registering, recording, coordinating and implementing assessments.  

Coordinating assessments avoids duplication and potential for multiple surveys to target the same populations with the same questions (FSC Cluster will need to ensure that relevant indicators are captured in all relevant assessments).

As IMO it is important to have a comprehensive understanding of the Food Security Assessments that have been conducted (repository) and those that are planned throughout the year (planning). When appropriately stored and shared, assessments inform the FSC stakeholders’ analysis and response. 

Coordinating assessments avoids duplication and potential for multiple surveys to target the same populations with the same questions (FSC Cluster will need to ensure that relevant indicators are captured in all relevant assessments). 

Assessment repositories are storage locations for all assessments that are deemed relevant to the Cluster. Assessment Repository can be compiled in Excel, Kobo, Google Forms etc, for example, FSC South Sudan have an assessment repository using google drive (here) which is accessible to both the Cluster team and the partners. 

In some cases OCHA and clusters may encourage partners to register all their planned and ongoing assessments on the Assessment registry (HPC tools platform). This is particularly relevant in sudden onset scale up emergencies in which a need for information is key and potential overlap is likely without effective coordination. HPC tools is a useful repository of previous assessments, which can be searchable by year, country, focus etc. It may be useful to see what has been undertaken previously to inform any planned/ ongoing assessments. 

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