2.1. HNO & HRP
  • 31 Jan 2024
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2.1. HNO & HRP

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Article summary

The Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) and the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP ) are core components within the HPC that frame and direct the humanitarian response.  

The HNO identifies the needs and establishes the key figures and metrics, setting the narrative in which the clusters operate. You will work alongside the CC, CLAs, partners, government authorities and stakeholders to develop the HNO (see CC Handbook chapter 9.4 for further details).

Depending on the context a HRP and/or Flash Appeal (see OCHA overview here) will be launched. The Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP ) is undertaken for protracted crises and may cover one or multiple years. A Flash Appeal is established for sudden onset emergencies (see CC Handbook Chapter 9.5.1.). A Flash Appeal can also be launched in a country with a HRP already in place, for example in the case of a sudden onset emergency which requires specific resources – as occurred with Syria Earthquake Flash Appeal May 2023.

As IMO you will be involved in all stages of the HNO and HRP / Flash Appeal; therefore it is vital you are familiar with the process. A step-by-step guidance (role of IMO in HNO and HRP ) has been developed for this purpose and is available here.

The gFSC conducts webinars annually ahead of the HPC cycle to brief country teams on updates and refresh on FSC HNO and HRP guidance (also available at this link in the FSC website) and best practices; please reach out to your gFSC focal point for any questions.

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