Chapter 2 - HPC
- 31 Jan 2024
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Chapter 2 - HPC
- Updated on 31 Jan 2024
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The Humanitarian Programme Cycle is “a coordinated set of actions undertaken by humanitarian actors to improve the predictability, speed and effectiveness of their response to emergencies.”
It was developed by the IASC as part of the transformative agenda (see CC Handbook, chapter 1.2.5), and it provides the steps required to plan, manage, deliver and monitor an effective and coordinated response.
Information Management and Coordination are central to implementing the HPC, as displayed in the diagram below.
Needs Assessments & Analysis:
- Support the HNO preparation through coordination of assessments and collation of results / reports, as well as support to FS analyses (e.g., IPC)
- Work with the FSC-CC and members to calculate FSC PiN and severity, based on gFSC endorsed methodologies.
- Provide FS contributions for intersectoral analysis (based on JIAF ) including participating in the analysis of the intersectoral severity of needs and PIN definition.
- Support the development, together with the FSC-CC and in consultation with cluster partners, of the FSC response plans (e.g., HRP ), strategy and logframe
- Support definition of targets at different level (overall cluster targets, by domain, by activity, by geographic area, etc.)
- Together with the FSC-CC, manage the FSC section of the HPC online system for project submission.
- Support the definition of financial requirements based on the country HRP costing methodology (see: Costing Methodologies Step by Step guidance)
- Support the periodic monitoring of the response against the FSC response plans, strategy and logframe (5Ws/ Response Plan and Monitoring Module (RPM))
- Support reviews when they take place
The first two steps of the HPC are discussed here, notably the (i) HNO & (ii) HRP , while Assessments are discussed in Chapter 3 and Response Monitoring is covered in Chapter 4 (in culmination these topics form the HPC).
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