8.3. Support to other cluster initiatives
  • 21 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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8.3. Support to other cluster initiatives

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Article summary

  • Support to HF allocations / process

If the donor relationship is mainly covered by the CC, an IMO could be involved to support HF allocations and process, by different type of support

  • Participate in project review (as reviewer or admin role)
  • Support in identifying gap in the response and prioritization
  • Support in the cluster defence analysis (if relevant)

Evaluate if a partner is “active” (see below)

  • Evaluate activity of partners 

As an IMO it is likely you will be asked to provide a list of the ‘active partner’, this could as part of the CCPM, or a request from Donors, or a specific appeal such as the Humanitarian Fund. The definition of an ‘active partner’ can be defined in several ways, for example, those that are in HRP are logically ‘active partners’ but there maybe partners who attend meetings, actively participate but are not part of the HRP , these partners can thereby still be defined as ‘active’. Therefore, a partner could be deemed ‘active’ when/ if:

  • Have FSL activities implemented previously – 6-month time frame
  • Have currently FSL activities implemented.
  • Report into the 5W/other FSL data collection 
  • Participate actively to FSC information sharing (sharing assessment, alerts, active in the technical working groups)
  • Attend IM or FS training
  • Attend national, regional or local partner meetings

One or multiple criteria can be use to assess if a partner is “active” in the cluster. One approach used in FSC DRC is to apply a coefficient weight to each criteria and then apply a threshold as a minimum standard required to considered an ‘active partner’, see example here. Nevertheless, its worth noting that the criteria and respective weights/ thresholds are context dependent and should be clearly discussed with the Cluster Coordinator.

  • HDPN and ICSC

The operationalization of the Humanitarian, Development and Peace Nexus (HDPN) and increased inter-cluster/sectoral collaboration (ICSC) are among the new priorities of the 2023-25 Strategic Plan – the former as a stand-alone pillar, the latter as part of the cross-cutting themes. The FSC IMO can support both workstreams, by collecting relevant information, visualizing and sharing it, to facilitate joint analysis, planning and monitoring.  

The gFSC team can offer the following support to countries and IMOs who approach the HDPN and/or the ICSC:

  • FS Cluster practical guidance on HDP Nexus and Inter-sectoral Collaboration 
  • Ad-hoc support for mapping 
  • Sharing of experiences and lessons learnt in other countries

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