6.3.2. Mailing list
  • 01 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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6.3.2. Mailing list

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Article summary

This is a core element of the IMOs role in the Cluster. At the global level the gFSC can support you with the platform, which enables a mailing list to be developed and managed from a centralised system. 

Upon your request, the global team will create one or more lists for your country that you will manage yourself. With the list name, you will need to provide a list of administrators, these are the users that can manage the list and/or send emails to it. Only admin users can email the mailing lists. All answers by the recipients will be forwarded to all administrators. We encourage you to use this system as it enables you to email large number of recipients, it also adds additional features like: delivery statistics, individual clicks/opens and the possibility for user to unsubscribe automatically. Please reach out to the communication team fsccommunications@fscluster.org for further information. 

The mailing list platform is a mailing sending service only, in the tool you can include name and email only, it is not meant to be used as a database of contacts.

Maintaining and updating the mailing list requires regular revisions. It is suggested you also undertake an annual or biannual revision in which you ask each partner for their latest focal point (this is to ensure that staffing changes are captured).

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