4.7. Sudden Onset Emergencies
  • 15 Feb 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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4.7. Sudden Onset Emergencies

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Article summary

A sudden onset emergency can occur both within a regular response (crisis within a crisis that requires a scale up beyond the normal levels) or as a ‘new crisis’ (e.g., where no regular response was active). The drivers of a sudden onset emergency may be man-made (conflict, economic etc) and/or natural phenomena (earthquake, flooding etc). 

The gFSC has developed a comprehensive guide to support IMOs in managing data during sudden onset emergencies (FSC Sudden onset emergency – Guidance Note). This covers key components, such as: 1. Context; 2. What to know/ do on your first days; 3. How to collect information; 4. Which fields to collect; 5. Beneficiary counting; 6. Key challenges.

During an emergency it is vital that you hit the ground running. Therefore, please see our diagram documenting what to do on Day 1 through to 30. Further details are provided in section 2 of FSC Sudden onset emergency – Guidance Note. Review this before and during your deployment.

Emergency trackers are a key element for understanding an emergency scale up. This often requires daily or weekly updates and can be undertaken in various ways (depending on internet access, partners’ capacity, etc). See section 3 of the FSC Sudden onset emergency – Guidance Note

IM Products

During a sudden onset emergency (outside the HRP ) we may develop specific ad-hoc products. The information needed and the level of data the FSC is able to provide is context-specific. Focus may be on understanding the cumulative reached (as we may not be able to provide unique beneficiary estimates). In the very early stages, a combination of static products (see for instance Earthquake Response (One Month) / Partner Presence) and/or simple summary 5Ws may be sufficient.

Interactive dashboards may be developed based on the information needed by partners and stakeholders to ensure effective coordination: see FSC Syria Emergency Response Tracker Dashboard for the earthquake response. 

A specific FSC Emergency toolkit has been produced with tools and guidance, to support IMO deployed / facing a sudden onset emergency with practical tool/template and guidance.


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