4.6.7. Gap analysis dashboard
  • 15 Feb 2024
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4.6.7. Gap analysis dashboard

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Article summary

This product is operationally focused. It is intended to identify a gap based on collected and analysed data. The gap analysis dashboard can have various focuses, for example an overview of the entire response (monitoring the HRP ), or rather focusing on a specific strategic objective. The dashboard may also illustrate specific gaps: 

  • People Reached vs People Targeted (and possibly People in Need) 
  • Assistance provided vs standard coverage of Caloric Needs / Quantities (Mt)
  • Finances received vs Financial requirements

Furthermore, the gap and respective time-period being presented/ analysed could be annual, quarterly, monthly or weekly, for specific location, region or nation scale. Depending on the context, it may be necessary to have multiple gap analyses dashboards.  

This product is one of the most powerful mechanisms to direct operations and ensure the response reaches those in need (for further info see here) – highlighting areas that have been so far under-reached and, potentially, areas over-reached. It also enables the cluster and partners to appeal for resources to target those in need and not assisted. 

Gap analysis looking at needs: increasingly we are asking questions not solely on the number of people reached against a target but focusing on the type of assistance and how this supports/ covers peoples needs. For instance, a person may receive food assistance but covering only 66% of their caloric needs. The cluster works with partners to harmonise response standards but responses may face funding shortages, and this may reduce the quantities or frequency of delivered assistance; thus a gap analysis focusing beyond the reached into the nature/ level of assistance provides a more informative understanding.  See FSC DRC (page 4) example here

gFSC template: Static | Interactive

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