4.6.6. Response dashboard
  • 15 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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4.6.6. Response dashboard

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Article summary

The Response Dashboard is intended to provide a summary of the response in a given timeframe (e.g., last month) and it includes all components of the 5Ws: how many people have been reached, with what activity / modality, where, when and by whom. The product can also illustrate the financial requirements and progress of the response. It is recommended to include a narrative section whereby key issues, challenges and achievements can be highlighted in order to create a more informative and complete picture. 

Ideally this product should inform the viewer/ audience on key metrics, referring to the people reached, but also the nuances within these figures. Delving into details on what is being provided, for instance specifying the contents of the food basket and the number of calories it is intended to cover for a specific period. 

gFSC template: Static | Interactive

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