4.6.3. The frequency of products
  • 01 Dec 2023
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4.6.3. The frequency of products

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Article summary

This will likely mirror the regularity of the 5Ws. It is advised that once 5Ws data has been submitted and compiled, the products should be developed and released within a short window (<= week) to ensure that the information is timely and that partners see the added value of reporting. The timeline of IM products should be aligned to FS Cluster meetings, in order to ensure relevant and timely inputs are provided and explained to partners (during the meetings themselves). In certain contexts, products may be developed at different intervals, for instance, in the case of FSC DRC, regional products are developed and released with a greater lag time that the standard products. 

Products are developed to monitor/ track progress (weekly, monthly etc), but also to provide a snapshot of the response, for instance a product will be developed to provide a quarterly, bi-annual and annual update.

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