4.2.5. Spatial resolution for data collection / partners’ reporting (Admin level)
  • 01 Feb 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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4.2.5. Spatial resolution for data collection / partners’ reporting (Admin level)

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Article summary

You will need to select an Admin level for reporting. Note that the greater the level of detail (e.g., reporting at admin 3) the more time required for the partners to input their activities in the {{glossary.5Ws}} (e.g., greater number of rows for partners to complete). There is a need to identify what level of spatial resolution is required for coordination but with an acceptance that a compromise exists between the level of spatial data needed to advise coordination vs time required for partners to report. The decision will be based on your expertise, partner inputs and requirements from {{glossary.OCHA}}, {{glossary.CLA}}s and {{glossary.gFSC}}.

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