4.2.3. Training partners on reporting
  • 01 Feb 2024
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4.2.3. Training partners on reporting

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Article summary

Once you have identified which partners will report to the cluster, it is necessary to undertake trainings with the respective focal points to introduce the reporting system (see 4.2.7). It is important to keep track of the respective IM focal point for each reporting organisation (see section 6.3.2. Mailing list). 

Trainings may be conducted either online or in person (including hybrid) depending on access, timing, context etc. It is vital that the training goes step by step through the reporting system and highlights how to report the data needed (as the IMO, you are tasked with collecting information on response implementation, including whether the pre-defined FSC standards have been applied / respected). It is vital that clear guidance is provided – including, if/as needed, explanation of the various logframe / 5W activities and indicators. For specific guidance on training partners on the 5Ws, see country examples FSC Cox Bazar and FSC South Sudan

Finally, its necessary to train partners both in how to report, but also how to interpret the outputs of the reporting (Information Products, see section 4.6) as this can help ensure a clear understanding of how the information is used and importantly how it can benefit them in programming and planning. 

Please reach out to gFSC focal points for questions.

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