4.1. FSC LogFrame: Objectives, activities, and indicators
- 01 Feb 2024
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4.1. FSC LogFrame: Objectives, activities, and indicators
- Updated on 01 Feb 2024
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During the initiation of the HRP we will establish and record the objectives, activities and respective indicators in the logframe. This will be used to monitor and report against during the HRP implementation (in the 5Ws template, see section 4.1.6) and as IMO you will ensure from a technical perspective that the 5Ws reporting system includes/ reflects the logframe.
For details on the LogFrame please see CC Handbook chapter 9.5.2.
Naming and categories
We may have various partners undertaking specific activities which, if we reported exactly, would result in hundreds of activities in our database. This would present challenges when counting beneficiaries, but also when understanding and providing guidance on the response. Therefore, we group similar activities into agreed upon more general, “umbrella”, activity categories. This process of developing categorical activities which are ‘general’ but also useful requires careful consideration and is the focus of the HRP logframe (this is a hugely important step as it establishes the response monitoring and subsequently the ability to understand and ultimately make decisions).Targets
Defining and disaggregating targets from overall cluster level to strategic objective, and activity / indicator level is a complex exercise (reach out to the Cluster Coordinator and gFSC focal point for support). It is feasible that the respective targets per activity will not sum to the Strategic Objective due to overlap among beneficiaries. This process of establishing targets is undertaken during the HRP preparation, and the same methodology used at planning (HRP ) stage should be used at monitoring stage when counting beneficiaries.Qualification” of activities
In order to establish a comprehensive response, it is necessary to establish “standards of assistance” (for a comprehensive overview see CC Handbook, chapter 5.6). Please note that this is responsibility of the Cluster as a whole (the Cluster Coordinator will lead this process from the cluster side). For example, it is necessary to agree upon a Minimum Food Basket for GFD that is proposed/ endorsed by the FS Cluster; this will enable the FSC team to track for instance whether a full ration, half ration, etc has been provided, and hence track the ‘quality of assistance’ delivered. These standards should be developed for the respective activities and communicated to the partners clearly. If for a given activity multiple standards are recommended (e.g. full ration for emergency situations such as new displacements and half rations for regular / monthly food assistance), these could also be included in the logframe as two different activities – to allow easier reporting by partners and tracking by FSC team. The definition of standards at planning stage allows the FSC team to deepen the response monitoring and specifically the gap analysis – taking into account both number of people reached and quantities delivered (compared to the planned standards); see section 4.6.7 for more information on this gap analysis.Was this article helpful?