7.3 FSC Communications: An Overview
  • 06 Dec 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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7.3 FSC Communications: An Overview

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Article summary

The goal of communications is to increase visibility and awareness of the FSC and its work. This is achieved by sharing the latest publications, highlights and key messages online and via email, cross-linking to partners’ websites where appropriate. 

Why is Communications Important?

  • Successful communications will contribute to achieving the goals of the FSC through coordinated, flexible, strategic and targeted outreach to help mobilise support.
  • FSC communications can also reflect increasing coordination with broader inter-cluster and inter-agency activities, as well as complement partners’ communications strategies.
  • Communications can help to position the FSC as key players not only in emergency assistance but also in longer-term resilience work on livelihoods and food security. 
  • Communications can highlight the effectiveness of FSC data collection and analysis in defining the impact of emergencies and identifying hotspots for immediate response. 
  • It can encourage greater dialogue, inclusiveness of new partners, (including local partners) on food security emergencies, especially in the most vulnerable areas, among food, nutrition and health officials, civil society, donors, partners and other key stakeholders. 
  • Communications can increase social and media mentions of food insecurity risks and how to combat these – particularly though anticipatory action, CVA, agricultural and in-kind distributions, localization and strengthening self-sufficiency – with consistent messaging by as many FSC partners as possible. 

How to ensure Effective Communications? The FSC communications strategy should set out key tools and responsibilities, audience and messaging (see 7.3.1). It should be revised as required based on continuous evaluation, developing priorities and available resources.  

Where? Presence on the gFSC website, social media channels and partners’ webpages are key for targeting messages and engaging country partners by: 

  • Giving an overview of FSC activities across regions and countries, mapping/linking to partner webpages, where possible. 
  • Providing general information, introducing FSC areas of work, programmes and relevant resource partnerships. 
  • Highlighting key achievements and impact figures, including response and trainings.
  • Publishing success stories, news, photos, videos, maps and multimedia about FSC activities. 

Who takes lead? FSC communications should be led by the Coordinator, in conjunction with the IMO. Their initiatives can be assisted by the gFSC Communications and Advocacy officer, and support from the programme and IM team. FSC communications should be done in line with the in-country agreement with CLAs on the product clearance (see 3.5.1).

Overall, the Coordinator should: 

  • Handle local dissemination of material produced (if relevant, ensure translation in local language).
  • Send updates on situation reports, stories from the field, items for newsletters etc. to the gFSC.
  • Provide the gFSC with a general overview of current country-level products and capacities.
  • Submit photo and video material where possible for gFSC repository and broader dissemination.

gFSC Support: The communications and advocacy staff in the GST (FSCcommunications@fscluster.org) can assist with producing and disseminating material, including: 

  • Drafting and updating communications strategies to be adapted at country level.
  • Providing editorial and graphic support on request, reviewing material produced at country level. 
  • Assisting with dissemination (social/email/web, etc.).
  • Providing templates and examples or create these where they do not yet exist. 
  • Advising on messaging.
  • Collating inputs for gFSC and CLA newsletters and situation reports

Resources: FSC Advocacy and Communications Strategy for Country Clusters 2021. An update is currently (2022) under development, contact the GST for updates.

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