5.7.6 Common for All Cross Cutting Concerns: Providing Leadership to deal with Cross-Cutting Issues
  • 11 Mar 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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5.7.6 Common for All Cross Cutting Concerns: Providing Leadership to deal with Cross-Cutting Issues

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Article summary

In general, the Coordinator should consider the following:  

Cluster management arrangements 

  • Focal Points: Map out FSC members that have capacity and expertise in disability, age, gender, environment and protection etc. Advocate for them to take active role in supporting their mainstreaming and identify focal points. Consider whether equivalent cross-cutting issue focal points are needed at the sub-national FSC level. Ensure that the FSC cross-cutting issue focal points meet regularly with his/her counterparts in other clusters, and with any relevant advisor assigned in the HC’s office, and reports back to the Coordinator and FSC to ensure appropriate inter-cluster coordination.
  • Technical Support: Consult with and request support from focal points / experts / agencies / clusters / partners / working groups to get technical support for mainstreaming any cross-cutting issue in the work of the FSC (this may include FAO and WFP, Humanity & Inclusion / Handicap International, HelpAge, GenCap and ProCap, Communication with Communities WG, PSEA networks, UNWomen, Protection Cluster, UNEP etc.)
  • Inter-Sector: Work within the ICCG (or ISSG) to identify common approaches to address cross-cutting issues among other clusters.

Working with partners

  • Work with the focal points to promote awareness and discussion of cross-cutting issues with cluster partners including the relevance of the issues, strategies to address them, and tools and resources available.
  • Develop consensus among cluster partners on how to integrate agreed priority cross-cutting issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, planning, monitoring, and response. Work with partners to identify the most marginalized and at risk in order to understand why they are at risk or in need and better inform FSC preparedness, response, and recovery activities (e.g. through vulnerability analyses or profiling the affected population).    
  • Help ensure that strategies to mainstream the inclusion of disability, age, gender equality, environment and protection (and others, as relevant in the context and prioritised by HCT) concerns are incorporated into FSC activities (including in the strategic response plan).  
  • Ensure that cross-cutting issues are appropriately included and dealt with in all cluster guidelines, proposals and plans, and that they are accompanied by clear activities for cluster partners.
  • Identify needs for capacity building for FSC partners on integrating cross-cutting issues into the planning and implementation of food security activities. 
  • Advocate for FSC partners to work to ensure that key recommended steps for mainstreaming cross-cutting concerns are implemented throughout their programme cycle and that good practices and lessons learned are shared with the cluster.

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