5.7 Mainstreaming and Integration of Protection and Other Crosscutting Dimensions
  • 07 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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5.7 Mainstreaming and Integration of Protection and Other Crosscutting Dimensions

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Article summary

IASC highlights the need to ensure mainstreaming of cross-cutting and cross-sectoral issues as a core focus for all clusters. At country-level, HCTs will often prioritise certain cross-cutting concerns. The role of the FSC Coordinator is to support, encourage and enable cluster partners to integrate priority cross-cutting issues in sectoral needs assessment, analysis, response, monitoring and evaluation activities and contribute to the development of appropriate strategies to address these concerns. 

In addition to mainstreaming AAP and PSEA (see 1.5.3 and 1.5.4), FSC partners should address cross cutting concerns and the diversity of needs of the affected population (including but not limited to disability, age, gender equality, marginalised / minority groups) throughout the planning and delivery of humanitarian action to ensure that no one is left behind. They should also ensure protection and environmental concerns are addressed

This section will briefly explain each of these cross-cutting concerns (acknowledging that there may be several others, which may be relevant for FSCs at country level) and flag the key recommended actions for the FSC Coordinator.

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