- 07 Dec 2023
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5.6 Harmonised Response Packages
- Updated on 07 Dec 2023
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A key function of the FSC and the Coordinator is to ensure cluster members apply a common approach to food security (food, agriculture and livelihoods) assistance and response design. Harmonisation of assistance is critical to ensure 1) quantity and quality standards are respected (including Sphere standards) and 2) promote social cohesion and avoid creating tension between communities/community members.
The Coordinator is expected to “steer the coordination of a food security response”. This includes ensuring agreement on a common cluster recommendation on modality of delivery given the specific (and thoroughly analysed) context, and standard response packages within HRP and/or ad hoc responses. Ideally, this means working with partners to develop guidelines on a standard (harmonised) food assistance, transfer value and agricultural and livelihoods assistance.
Such guidelines / standards should be developed based on the needs, habits and practices of the vulnerable/targeted population, taking into consideration internationally accepted standards such as Sphere or LEGS. The FSC Coordinator should proactively ensure that cluster members follow the standard food security packages. It is important that new members joining the FSC are sufficiently briefed on this - it is advisable to prepare an FSC factsheet on standardised packages.
Consider that packages shall be reviewed time to time (it could be done on a more regular basis e.g. cash transfer following inflation dynamics). For all food security activities, FSC members should ensure that these:
- Do not harm;
- Are environmentally sensitive;
- Are inclusive, safe, secure working environment;
- Consider seasonality.
Conducting a needs assessment is the first step of any response (chapter 6). This should guide the activities being implemented, the modality and the targeting as well as the duration, and timing of the response and prioritization in case sufficient funds are unavailable (for example prioritization of areas based on IPC phase).