5.4 Food Security Needs Analysis and Response Plan
  • 07 Dec 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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5.4 Food Security Needs Analysis and Response Plan

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Article summary

A core deliverable for any FSC is to facilitate key HPC activities and this includes:

  • A food security needs analysis to identify needs, severity, geographical scope, and Persons in Need (PIN), and subsequently provide the required cluster inputs to the HNO (or in the first week of a sudden onset emergency, to the Flash Appeal).     
  • A FSC strategic response plan, which will address the priority needs of the affected populations, no matter their gender, age, or circumstances, in a timely manner, complementing national efforts, minimizing gaps and duplications, and making efficient use of available resources. The FSC will provide inputs to inter-sectoral joint appeals (Flash Appeal, HRP or similar). 
What is the role of the FSC Coordinator: The coordinator’s leads and/or facilitates the needs analysis and strategic response planning process: see details on the role of the Coordinator in chapter 6 (on assessments and needs analysis) and chapter 9 (on the HPC including Flash Appeals, the HNO and the HRP )

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