3.4.2 FSC Objectives and Terms of Reference
  • 07 Dec 2023
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3.4.2 FSC Objectives and Terms of Reference

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Article summary

FSC objectives are guided by the six core cluster functions and are reflected in context specific Terms of Reference (TORs), which are jointly developed with FSC partners and endorsed by the CLAs. No matter the specific coordination structure, it is essential to define clear roles and responsibilities of the FSC team, FAO and WFP, government, international and national partners, and communication lines from the outset.

What is important for the FSC Coordinator to know: The TOR for country FSCs should include: 

1) objectives and core functions of the cluster, 2) roles and responsibilities (including, for example, the SAG, shared leadership / co-coordination, etc.), 3) method of work, and 4) deliverables. 


  • See the generic FSC TOR, which can be adapted as required. See also TOR examples from Bangladesh, Ukraine, Yemen and South Sudan
  • Detailed TORs are also available for the responsibilities and accountability of HC, HCT, CLAs and Cluster Coordinators on the Humanitarian Response website (note that content on HumanitarianResponse.info may shift to ReliefWeb during 2023).

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