2.6.4 The Global Food Security Cluster – Inter-Sector and Inter-Agency Coordination
  • 07 Dec 2023
  • 2 Minutes to read
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2.6.4 The Global Food Security Cluster – Inter-Sector and Inter-Agency Coordination

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Article summary

At the global level, the gFSC works to increase its participation in the GCCG, the Humanitarian Programme Cycle (HPC) Steering Group, the Famine Action Mechanism, and other relevant fora to influence IASC policy decisions. The gFSC also works to play an increasing role in the global dialogue on several topics, including in the Joint Inter-sectoral Analysis Group (JIAG) under the JIAF , Global Network Against Food Crisis (GNAFC), and in inter-cluster evaluations of large operations undertaken by the GCCG.

The gFSC works actively to reinforce the active participation in inter-cluster and IASC work (and that of its subsidiary bodies). With all clusters contributing to SDGs 2, and as food security cannot be restored with only specific food security activities, the gFSC works closely with especially Nutrition, WASH, and Health clusters, at global level, to increase synergies and the effectiveness of humanitarian interventions (see also 4.3.3). This also includes the discussion of matters currently on the agenda, which will influence future ways of working, the HDP nexus, localization etc. (see more in chapter 10). 

What does this mean for the FSC Coordinator?  Issues faced by FSC Coordinators at country level can be escalated to appropriate inter-sectoral group at global level through the GST. The GST will inform the Global Cluster Coordinators (GCCs) who represents the gFSC at inter-sectoral coordination bodies. If warranted, the CLAs can escalate matters further (IASC level). 

Equally, discussions and guidance from these inter-sector/agency bodies or frameworks may shape the work of the country clusters and should be integrated into the inter-cluster work at national level.


  • In 2020, for the JIAF , the gFSC prepared a simplified version of the guidance specific for the FSC teams to prepare the HNO and HRP with clear red lines. 
  • In 2020, during the HPC process, when a FSC team at country level disagreed with OCHA’s approach on the JIAF , they contacted the gFSC who then approached the JIAF stakeholders.
  • In 2019, the Global Cash Working Group agreed on recommendations for the clusters and CWG at country level for CVA reporting. 

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