2.6.2 Global Cluster Coordinators
  • 11 Mar 2024
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2.6.2 Global Cluster Coordinators

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Article summary

In April 2021, FAO and WFP reinforced the cluster structure, at global level, as a reflection of their commitment to strengthen the gFSC and leverage the comparative advantage of its members to offer the best support possible to country-level teams and partners. A new co-leadership arrangement was introduced, with two dedicated Global Cluster Coordinators (GCCs), who are responsible for the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of the FSC strategy. The GCCs are also in charge of the day-to-day coordination and facilitation of the work of the Global Support Team (GST), and they represent the gFSC in various fora (IPC steering committee, Global Cluster Coordination Group, etc.). 

The gFSC Coordinators are guided by and regularly consult both CLAs, namely the FAO Director of Office of Emergencies and Resilience (OER) and the WFP  Director of the Programme, Policy and Guidance Division (PPG).

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