2.6.1 Food Security Cluster Leads at Global Level
  • 07 Dec 2023
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2.6.1 Food Security Cluster Leads at Global Level

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Article summary

FAO and WFP are designated by IASC as global Cluster Lead Agencies (CLA) for the FSC. The global CLAs are also generally appointed as country lead agencies. However, this may vary according to the location of the emergency and the global CLAsā€™ presence and capacity in the location. At country level, the CLAs also act as a Provider of Last Resort (PoLR), which means that where necessary, and depending on access, security and availability of funding, the CLAs must be ready to fill crucial gaps of assistance. See more in 3.3.2. 

FAO and WFP Responsibilities as Global Food Security Cluster Lead Agencies 

FAO and WFP are ultimately responsible to the Emergency Relief Coordinator for ensuring the fulfilment of their lead agency role in the gFSC. At global level, these responsibilities include: 

  • Mainstreaming the cluster approach and the Transformative Agenda within FAO and WFP and promoting their understanding within FAO and WFP departments and offices at global, regional, and country levels.
  • Negotiating with other UN agencies around cluster issues that needs to be reflected in global level documentation (e.g. IASC level).
  • Engaging in advocacy at the highest levels of the IASC (including the Emergency Directors Group ā€“ see 1.4.2), and with donors and other concerned bodies, on the needs and position of the gFSC.
  • Ensuring that adequate human and financial resources and administrative structures are available at global, regional, and country levels (e.g. rosters for surge capacity of trained experts to lead cluster coordination and information management at country level).
  • Liaising and collaborating with other global clusters to enhance holistic multi-cluster humanitarian responses for improved food security outcomes. Including preparedness measures and long-term planning, standards, best practices and lessons learned, advocacy, and resource mobilisation.

More specifically and practically, the CLAs are responsible for supporting the six core functions of the cluster (supporting service delivery, informing strategic decision making, planning and implementing cluster strategies, monitoring and evaluation of performance, preparedness and contingency planning and advocacy). See more on core functions in 1.2.7 and 3.4.1.

Cluster Lead Agencies play an important role in coordination on a global level: They are responsible for ensuring better predictability, system-wide preparedness, and coordinated inter-agency response in their particular areas of activity.

The CLAs are also responsible for establishing and maintaining broad partnerships and initiatives by engaging collaboratively in three main areas: 

  1. Standards and policy-setting;
  2. Building response capacity; and 
  3. Operational support to in-country clusters. 

To whom are the Cluster Lead Agencies accountable?

Global LevelCountry Level

At global level, CLAs are accountable to the Emergency Relief Coordinator (ERC) for the performance of the gFSC. The gFSC is responsible for providing the necessary direction and support to country clusters so they can perform the six core functions.

At country level, CLAs are accountable to the Humanitarian Coordinator (HC). The CLAs are accountable for the performance of the FSC

At country level, CLAs are also the "provider of last resort" for their sector.   

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