2.5 The Global Food Security Cluster – Global Coordination for Enhanced Food Security
  • 07 Dec 2023
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2.5 The Global Food Security Cluster – Global Coordination for Enhanced Food Security

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Article summary

The establishment of gFSC was intended to ensure better global support for coordination mechanisms at country level, more systematic coordination efforts, and a better integration between food assistance, livelihoods, and agriculture interventions. For more information on the evaluation of the FSC (2009-2014), see here.

The gFSC’s objective is to ensure a more predictable and comprehensive response to food insecurity during humanitarian crises.

The cluster approach operates at two levels, global and local. At global level, clusters work to strengthen system-wide preparedness and technical capacity to ensure response to humanitarian emergencies by designated global cluster leads, as well as predictable leadership and accountability in all the main sectors or areas of activity. 

In short, the objective of the gFSC is therefore to ensure sufficient capacity for and to provide strategic guidance to national Food Security Clusters (and Sectors) in order to strengthen food security coordination, analysis, early action and responses in crisis situations, mainstream early recovery approaches and enhance national capacity to:

  • Deliver predictable and accountable leadership and coordination for food security responses.
  • Strengthen the effectiveness of existing national and local humanitarian management and coordination systems, building on local capacities through the active participation of affected population.
  • Optimize collaboration and partnerships among governments, UN agencies, NGOs, the Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, donors, and other stakeholders to ensure a holistic and timely response.
  • Integrate early recovery activities consistently into approaches to food security responses. 

See a map of the current active national Food Security Clusters and Sectors supported by the gFSC here

FSC Mission

The objective of the FSC is to guarantee that:

  • A coherent, timely safe and dignifying food assistance is delivered by all partners.
  • Food assistance to the most vulnerable is leveraged to promote early action and response and resilience, therefore properly integrated with livelihoods activities.
  • Food security interventions are adequately integrated and complementary with other relevant sectors such as Nutrition, WASH and Health.

To achieve these objectives the FSC collates and analyses food security information, designs collective action plans that represent the views of communities and incorporates partners, local actors, systems, and structures for promoting an adequate field level programme cycle integration and collective accountability.

Source: Food Security Cluster 2020-2022 Strategic Plan

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