- 07 Dec 2023
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2.1 Introduction
- Updated on 07 Dec 2023
- 1 Minute to read
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This chapter on the Global Food Security Cluster (gFSC) aims to help FSC Coordinators understand its relation to country-level Food Security Clusters (and Sectors) and the work they do. It explains the gFSC’s role, objectives and functions whilst also looking at the structure at global level. This includes the Cluster Lead Agencies (CLAs) and the Global Support Team (GST) and their respective roles, the Strategic Advisory Group (SAG), and the importance of global partner engagement in the FSC.
This chapter also provides an overview of the different working groups at global level and the support they can provide FSCs in the field. It highlights the FSC strategy, which is developed with global partners and guides the work of both the gFSC and the Cluster Coordinators at country level. To contextualise the premise for both the gFSC and the FSC Strategy, the chapter also outlines the four pillars of food security.