1.4 Key Actors at Global Level
- 07 Dec 2023
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1.4 Key Actors at Global Level
- Updated on 07 Dec 2023
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The FSC Coordinator operates in a country context, which by its nature may seem removed from the global context and regulatory bodies. However, a response to food security emergencies is informed by and takes place within a larger global context of coordination frameworks and mechanisms that guide the work of the Coordinator. These are in turn informed by a number of key actors and bodies at global level. These include:
- The Emergency Relief Coordinator
- The Inter-Agency Standing Committee
- The Office of the coordination of humanitarian affairs (OCHA)
- The Global Clusters
- The Global Cluster Coordination Group
Why are these important to be aware of? The FSC is activated if appropriate in an emergency – until late 2021, the ERC was responsible for this task (see 3.2 for details on the criteria and process of cluster activation). The FSC Coordinator, once in country, will follow the guidelines developed by the IASC, which in turn also guides the global FSC and other clusters. The global cluster coordination group is the inter-sector body that can escalate concerns originating at country level, help country clusters on joint advocacy, support clusters with tools and guidance.
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